08.02 General

Ardans & the KM Club present PARNASSE the ultimate ISO30401 compliant Knowledge Manager framework at Digital Workplace 2023 in Paris on march 22nd

PARNASSE - the ultimate ISO30401 compliant Knowledge Manager framework, imagined, designed and produced by the experts of the Knowledge Management Club and Ardans.
 and the   or (Club GC  ite est  the french Knowledge Management Club ) present a preview of  PARNASSE  at Digital Workplace 2023.
  • At 2:00 pm, Dr Aline Belloni (Ardans & Club GC) & Daniel Colas (Club GC) present:
PARNASSE  acronym for
" P ortal  A rticulating the iso30401  R eference  N orme via  A   S tructured KM  S ystem for the  E nterprise" that is to say more confidently
" P ortail  A rticulant la  R éférence  N ormative iso30401  A vec un  S ystème KM  S tructuré pour l’ E ntreprise" The knowledge manager's workshop that helps them evaluate and improve their KM system against ISO30401.
The Club Gestion des Connaissances & Ardans have been mobilised since their creation to disseminate best practices of knowledge management in organisations.

In November 2018, the  ISO30401  standard dealing with KM Systems (SKM) was published in its initial version and made  §7.1.6 "Organisational Knowledge"  of the ISO 9001:2015 standard more explicit.
At the end of 2022, when launching the development of  PARNASSE , the GC Club wanted to make its   that meets the requirements of ISO30401 - available. The objective is to make it possible to use this complex repository in multiple views thanks to the power of the Ardans Knowledge Maker tool.

With PARNASSE, the Knowledge Manager knows how to evaluate the KM actions already in place, locate them within a  reference SKM  and thus identify a roadmap to a more complete target.
The navigation in this software version of PARNASSE clearly illustrates the views of the SKM Book:
  • Which SKM Book activities to meet the requirements of the standard?
  • Which requirements of the standard are affected by the SKM Book activities?
  • For a KM action, which SKM Book activities are recommended and which requirements of the standard are concerned?
By giving keys and answers to the understanding of the ISO30401 standard: PARNASSE will enlighten all  Chief Knowledge Officers, Knowledge Managers, Knowledge Engineers , Quality Engineers  or  Auditors .

PARNASSE  provides keys and answers to understanding the ISO30401 standard:  a major stage of maturity in the discipline is reached!
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Crédit Photo © Ardans - Alain Berger The  Ladies in Blue  of Knossos Palace 1600-1450 BC.